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There will be no Going Back

Before, she was something else (or was it someone?)

Should it worry her if she doesn’t know?

The fog in her mind mimics the fog muffling the air

Her past is clouded by tragedy and time

Memory slips away like sand on the shore

She feels like a shattered looking glass

Form is in the mind and her is scattered, unraveled

She is downside up, a willow bough defying reason

Is this truly a reflection of her?

The trees rooted deep on the bank before her

Bow under the pressure of their own mighty crown

What does it say that she drifts unburdened?

She was wise, once, and perhaps she still is

Her presence eclipses the she who she isn’t, not anymore

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but hers are fathomless

She is a predator striding silent through still waters

A hungering halo making lazy circuits around her

She is the disquiet in the shadows in the dark of the night

She is wiser now (though perhaps she always was)

The upside to always looking down is defying

Any who would have reason to look down on you, but

Her sigh echos with rattling sorrow through the reeds

There is more to life than becoming more than you were

For what she has lost has indeed made her less

Even if she can’t remember


Base Score: 4 AP (Writing: 233 words) +5 AP (Personal Work Bonus) +10 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 1) Total AP per submission: 19

Base Score: 2 GP (Writing: 233 words) +4 GP (Poetry Bonus: 4) Total GP per submission: 6

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